The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Package names for utility pakcages

Hi Developers,

Related to the "-" and "_" and dchanges discussion on aesthetics of
package and or filenames, I would like to contribute an other item. I
would like to see some convention on the naming of utility

The next proposal should be taken seriously if a facility is added to
the packages database structure for removing obsolete (not in use, out
of date, whatever) package names from the packages database
(/var/lib/dpkg/{available,status}). If this facility isn't added
changing package names will increase the number of unused entries in
the dselect select list.

But if obsolete packages are actually/virtually removed from the
packages database I would like to suggest that all utility packages
have a root name followed by [-_]utils or [-_]utl, similar to
developement packages having a root name followed by [-_]dev at this
moment. [-_] means either "-" or "_", whatever we decide or vote on.

You might ask why I'm suggestion a thing like this. The suggested more
standard nomenclature is more intuitive to guess the name of a
package. And it might look more solid.

utility package names: (ax25-util, util-linux are assumed containing
more than one utility, am I right about that?)

now           option 1-      option 1_      option 2-    option 2_       

aout-binutils aout-bin-utils aout_bin_utils aout-bin-utl aout_bin_utl
ax25-util     ax25-utils     ax25_utils     ax25-utl     ax25_utl
binutils      bin-utils      bin_utils      bin-utl      bin_utl
bsdmain-utils bsdmain-utils  bsdmain_utils  bsdmain-utl  bsdmain_utl
bsdutils      bsd-utils      bsd_utils      bsd-utl      bsd_utl
debian-utils  debian-utils   debian_utils   debian-utl   debian_utl
dnsutils      dns-utils      dns_utils      dns-utl      dns_utl
elf-binutils  elf-bin-utils  elf_bin_utils  elf-bin-utl  elf_bin_utl
fdutils       fd-utils       fd_utils       fd-utl       fd_utl
fileutils     file-utils     file_utils     file-utl     file_utl
findutils     find-utils     find_utils     find-utl     find_utl
hfsutils      hfs-utils      hfs_utils      hfs-utl      hfs_utl
mdutils       md-utils       md_utils       md-utl       md_utl
miscutils     misc-utils     misc_utils     misc-utl     misc_utl
nlsutils      nls-utils      nls_utils      nls-utl      nls_utl
psutils       ps-utils       ps_utils       ps-utl       ps_utl
sharutils     shar-utils     shar_utils     shar-utl     shar_utl
shellutils    shell-utils    shell_utils    shell-utl    shell_utl
sysutils      sys-utils      sys_utils      sys-utl      sys_utl
textutils     text-utils     text_utils     text-utl     text_utl
util-linux    linux-utils    linux_utils    linux-utl    linux_utl
win32binutils win32bin-utils win32bin_utils win32bin-utl win32bin_utl
