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Re: suid programs and security


On Mon, 17 Feb 1997, Ioannis Tambouras wrote:

>   The next logical extention is the design of a secure firewall gateway.
>  I had similar thoughts few months ago, but with much tighter security:
>  ethernet boot, read-only partitions, only essential commands, no user 
>  logins, monitoring, remote logging, slimed-down progs, secure mail
>  exchange, etc.
>   This is a desired commercial product, maybe Debian wants to get there first.
>  Having read plenty of security books, I realized that it is simply looong
>  (and hard?) to be done by any person and, especially if upgradability is
>  important. I will be intrested only if it is going to be a genuine
>  super-paranoia gateway project.

I have a friend who working in the kernel list to implement cfs (crypto 
filesystem) on root... It can be a good solution though to much alpha...

Firewall gateway can be part of the project but I'm thinking more about a 
safe multi-user server... Maybe can we begin by the gateway and then go 
for a shared environment? The idea is to give "embedded / ready-to-use" 
solutions to common needs. That's the principle of all distributions, 
isn't it?

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